Essential Features of Bird Watching Binoculars and How to Choose Them

Posted by naharazizi on Sunday, October 16, 2011

What are the essential features of binoculars for bird watching? These are some of the essential features of good binoculars:

Eye Relief : the distance between the surface of the outer lens of the eye and the eye surface is called eye relief. Around the area should not touch the surface of the lens,. It makes a difference on the ground have seen how it is able to see the

more eye relief means about the farthest from the eye piece allows a person to still have a surface field of view. With long eye relief, one does not need binoculars to keep an eye close to the lashes to get on the road. Eye glasses are used to prevent the eyepiece closer to the eye surface.

Close Area near the telescope focus distance is called by his close fokus.Snažan telescope has good close focus. Although birding occurs in many far away, with binoculars near the focus of 10 feet is used svrsi.Vrlo a good pair of binoculars can focus on much much closer distance of about 3 feet.

Twilight Factor: Twilight factor is determining the amount of binocular brightness capability has when watching a bird pictures under low light conditions. Twilight factor is increased by multiplying the diameter of the lens, and then find the square root of proizvoda.Veliki twilight factor indicates binocular is effective in low light uvjetima.Sumrak factor of 20 is recommended.

When choosing a binocular, as physical factors to consider? Binocular chosen with good optical performance and engineering has izdržljiv.Nakon binocular physical factors should be taken into account, inter alia, when buying one.

Lens Magnification: The increase makes the object in focus appear much bliže.Binokularni indicated "7x50" means that an increase of 7 This means that it makes the object in focus is 7 times bliže.Birdwatcher birdwatching 70 meters away as the bird sees only 10 meters away.

Exit pupil: see a small circle in the eye piece containing the image is called the output učenik.Maksimalna size of the eye pupil dilates under the lighting conditions to match the diameter of the exit pupil.

failure: This is the amount of light that passes through the eye of the binocular. During the failure, the light is lost on the way due to absorption and reflection in the optical material within the binocular.

Coatings: binocular with coated optics has improved light transmission with reduced internal reflections. Light travels through the binocular various optical elements. This light is reflected in the way that the resulting fuzzy and low contrast images. Optical elements in a binocular light transmission less than the incidence of the light due to the loss of light thus producing smoke images. The best bird watching binoculars should have both sides coated optical elements to prevent the loss of light.

Prism: Prism change the direction of light passing through it, the internal reflection. Two types of prisms are available for use in the prism Porro prism and roof prizme.Dalekozor the Porro prism lens is set away from the eyepiece, and a roof prism and a lens of the eye piece is set in a straight line.