to sell books, authors use social media networks as marketing tools for building brands and getting free publicity by sharing books online discussions, posts, book excerpts, links, videos, photos and text files with family, friends, fans and professionals .
books and e-book authors create internet presence using social media and free internet marketing book publicity tools and services via the Internet communities such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Digg. In addition, there are free options on the market a book on Google and Yahoo through a search engine submission services, communities and blogs.
By having your book appear on all or some of these sites, you can begin to build a brand, the perceived value assigned to its name, the name of your book and your services on the market, which in this case, on the Internet. As you build a targeted audience that has an interest in you, your name, books and services resulting real commercial value to monitor their brand, causing your stock to rise, so to speak, and allows you to cash in on his name and reputation.
Use of a larger group of online fans on Facebook, for example, you can further define the smaller communities built around you as an author, expert and public speaker, himself appointed as the authority given to the target audience a better chance to get to know you. Getting to know with what you have to say could encourage on-line fan or friend to consider hiring you to speak to their civic, social and professional groups. which can lead to consulting contracts in your professional field.
Many authors of the book as an extension articles and in-depth investigative projects that could be part of the curriculum of academic, research, collections of literary newspapers and magazines or columns. With this professional background, the authors can claim true specialty of particular professions and the law as such. Other authors have written books about their hobbies such as gardening, cooking, design, sewing, dancing, boating, traveling, photography. Get the picture? Do not forget to take pictures and video to use in your online marketing and eBook production.
with all these text files, photos and video, compiled for your book or eBook, you can now generate scripts for video productions or a series of video projects for YouTube, adding to the amount of free book publicity available to you. Video can give potential audiences a chance to see and hear a sample of your presentation. Try to make this presentation in the mini-production, rather than just talking heads. Add graphics, photographs or other video clips through the voice of interest to give a presentation and added value. Video can be in the book trailers, short biographies of the authors and video cards. You may need a little professional help to get your video project pokrenut.Više professional look of your video production, it is likely to be picked up by other video services, giving you even more exposure, free book publicity and branding .
Whatever your reason for writing the book, it does not take a large number of internet fans, friends and followers that the effect of the momentum you need for success as an author, expert, public speaker and professional consultant. An online contact is all it takes to get a free book publicity sequence began. You can tell the audience you are available for personal appearances, public speaking events, book signing engagements, consulting and training, and then directly to your web site to read about you, your books and your professional specialty. Imagine, a contact responds to messages. There you go! But remember, no one can read your thoughts, or between the lines. Spell out clearly what action you want your audience to take. Then give them step-by-step instructions on how you should take any action.
- Buy a book?
- Hire you to speak?
- contract with you as a consultant?
- You recruit staff for training? >
Social Media networks can help build relationships and establish or improve your internet presence, because within a social media network, you can create interest groups with whom you can discuss the appropriate selected topics. If you are the author, this topic should include your book, an interesting place to live and online audience as well. Most times intrigue my audience with me as the author is the fact that I did what many people in the audience or do you want or think they can do - write a book. Many questions center on the writing process. Do not discourage their curiosity. Use what you have to take an interest. Then, show them videos and talk about your book, how he went about writing his book and in his book supports the consulting specialty.
- The facts are these.
- technology allows us to tell our online friends, fans and followers about our books
- Internet communities can be supportive of our books and events
- The audience must believe to be informative, not exploitive
- You are not allowed to sell books and online services in a community >
Be sure to read the fine print on the terms and conditions section before you select the check box. As competition for membership in certain groups, it becomes more competitive, those groups are beginning to the Terms of Use section seriously. When you tick the box and enter the code, you are signing a legally binding agreement to abide by the rules and uphold the standards of the online community, which may allow a participant to the sale on its website. They market to compete with the paid advertisers on the website. Do not take for granted that all communities have the same policy on the sale. They do not.
some sites that do not allow you to sell your books or services may still be ideal for branding your name and books. In addition to official policy, community members have their own ways to deal with those who deviate from accepted community behavior. Many members belong to several similar online groups, and will be on the lookout for you and your tactics. They have the ability to remove posts from their site where they were friends of May have seen your posts, or they can de-friend or the UN to follow. As in the community where you live, your UN-neighborly reputation will follow you from community to community, where they will eventually find itself without friends and book sales, speaking events, or consulting contracts.
- be subtle
- to tell his story
- We do not sell >
Developing social media marketing for free publicity and brand equity can lead to book sales and services, and public speaking events. However, the use of social media can backfire! If members of your online community believe that trying to take advantage of them, they will reject your message. Remember, these are real people, not a dead technology or expand the search engines. Check what's available - How to use, free sample products, gifts, coupons, discounts, invitations, tips, jokes, or whatever - is something that can be seen as useful in their lives or careers
In your social media network and online professional community, treat people with respect. Speak to them equally and communicate with them in the same way to communicate with friends in other areas of your life. If you do not treat people with respect, you will alienate your potential target audience and you'll get plenty of book sales or invitations for public speaking events or consulting services and contracts.
All this may sound foreign and daunting, but efficient book marketing through social media can be achieved simply by grouping friends and fans in the categories to suit the conversations and discussions going to share with each online group. Discussions, debates and setting may lead the target audience to read an excerpt from the book, the excerpt that you can upload to online press release or article. Write your promotional materials. You can do it! After all, you wrote a book!
my college journalism professor and adviser at Texas A & M University, the late Skip Leabu, he said: "If you write, then you can write your own ticket to the good life." Skip gave me that nugget before we arrived at the gates of the World Wide Web. It took me years to understand exactly what he meant. Now, I know. As a writer, I can assume an active role in my destiny.
- write your book using the online tools
- Use free technology to publicize their events
- shape public opinion about my books
- brand name and the title >
As an author, you will probably want to join author groups to increase their online visibility, among other authors, publishers and literary agents. Literary agents and publishers are attracted by the author groups because these groups provide a large talent pool. Also, the author of the group you unlimited opportunities to increase the standing of the book, while creating a community with whom you can share your books, press releases, articles and author biography.
In addition, your membership in a social media network offers members the opportunity to share their books, articles and press releases, giving you the opportunity to comment on these sites. Comments on other writers' sites, you can get professional recognition, which will lead readers to your website or blog that contains your data and extracts. At these sites, the potential target audience can get a taste of your creative side and look who you are. Your social media community can read your author biography and book excerpt, and be inspired to invite you to speak before their group.
Once you are comfortable in front of an audience in public speaking event, you can deliver your message to the book, let people know you and, at the same time, assure them that the knowledge of writing, editing, marketing or other services offer for a fee. In front of your audience, you can sell, reserve further public speaking events, and attract lucrative consulting contracts. All this can be achieved using social media. Be sure not to use hard-selling tactics in public speaking događaja.Najbolji way to sell anything - anything at all - is that the sound is not as a salesman, but it sounds like a friend
.to fully utilize their social media network, you could call the local social media community event you are assigned or in which you are invited to participate. In these events, you have the opportunity to have your books on a table in the back of the room. If you wrote the eBook, sales will be handled exclusively through the internet, suitable for inclusion of their social media network, because the internet is a place in the community and the place where you buy the eBook.
Hopefully, you've written a book that provokes people, the book will share with their network and so on and so forth. It makes your book done is almost as important as the book itself. So, pay attention to what you post because it will extract or cause your community to attend an event or want to read more books and make a purchase. Their social media network can help you sell a book and get a public speaking event, if you give them as much space as possible to read about you. Press Web Publishing will publish and distribute well-written press releases and articles, which will free book publicity. Check them out and pick up a few websites to start.
Press releases make a series of goals, including a free book publicity and getting your CV and a data file into the hands of people who can hire to speak to their groups. Networking in order to sell the book will help you learn more about using the Internet to promote his books and career.
online press release services are not all the same. Write an article and upload. Be prepared to wait a few days, while some services review article. If it is accepted and published, check search engine ranking after a few days and see if the web work for you. If not, move on to another. In some cases, it is not a web site, that your writing that does not work for search engines. Be aware that writing for internet distribution and search engine optimization is another kind of writing.
As you write more for internet distribution, you will learn about writing headlines for search engines, optimization of the text and keyword strategy. Include your social media network in getting your book sales and public speaking engagements by providing a network agent to purchase the book or books. This can be done through a web page, blog, press releases and articles, all published online for the convenience of your network. The challenge of selling through the Internet has a way of receiving payment.
There are numerous methods that are available. Do research and find one that suits your needs. When you provide a public speaking engagement, you have the opportunity to hand out printed materials including a biography, information about ordering books and other relevant files that audiences can access the internet. Other files may include internet web addresses of press releases about her and her book, on-line articles and reviews about the book, and contributed reviews and posts on other people write blogs and websites.
tactics such as those I have suggested will not work for you, unless you have an online presence. If you do not have an online presence, get one. Their social media network is expected of someone who professes to be an author, expert and public speaker to have a viable online presence. Here are suggestions to help you get started.
- Post Blog
- Web site design
- Add Internet Press Releases
- distribute Online Articles >
To qualify for public speaking engagements, on-line press releases about my book should have the appropriate contact information. Some services are categories of contact information which can include as little or as much as you want, e-mail only to the physical address. Be careful about the amount and type of information that place. What the Internet is likely to remain on the Internet. Be careful of what you put out there, including a fee quotes. Due to the sensitive nature of prices, to talk about the costs of the project based projects in the proposal evaluation. However, the list of providers with the appropriate cost is acceptable as long as you include a disclaimer about price changes. You might want to mention whether or not you are willing to travel as your request.
for those in the audience who might want to contact you later when they need their services, provide them with an easy way to do this. As mentioned before, brochures, include your contact information. And please do not forget about the reliable old-fashioned business cards and do not rely on his audience to keep up with your business card. They picked up several of the event which does not belong to you. Get your business cards, all of them so that they can contact for Follow-up meetings, e-mail addresses, and social media relations. The online publicity and public speaking events, be sure to offer suggestions. Good suggestions will inspire the audience to accept their offer for social media relations.
in your presentation, try to relate to their own book or their own work. If you are an author with his book on the table in the back of the room, to promote his book and his job in his speech and in your brochure, prepared in advance. If your book has been honored, to mention in your online press releases and other publicity. Also in the audience handouts statement about his writing recognition or awards you may receive a book that would be more attractive as a future public speaker and consulting contractors, friends and followers in social media networks.
In your speech event, do not forget to read a paragraph or two from the book, regardless of genre. In reading, showcase your writing style to introduce the audience to ask them to buy the book. Do not be too dry in the presentation, but try not to be overly dramatic. It may sound false Be honest. Honesty counts in every word you write, every speech you make, everything you post comments, each book sold, everything you do.